Vocabulary 1

1.   Abashed- embarrassed

2.   Condiment-      seasoning, spice

3.   Ennui-      boredom

4.   Pungent-  sharp in smell or taste

5.   Castigate-        to punish

6.   Sagacious-      wise

7.   Corpulent-        fat

8.   Maladroit- unskilled, clumsy

9.   Sibling-     one of two children in a family

10.                     Emaciated-      very thin

11.                     Cadaver-  corpse

12.                     Dastardly-        cowardly

13.                     Inebriated-       drunk

14.                     Prevaricate-     to lie

15.                     Lagniappe-       something extra

16.                     Florid-      red, ruddy

17.                     Zenith-     highest point

18.                     Facilitate- to make easier

19.                     Apparition-       ghost

20.                     Clandestine-     secret