Vocab 3

1.Adage-  saying

2.Articulate- clear, distinct

3.Demeanor-  behavior

4.Caricature- exaggerated drawing

5.Condone- to forgive

6.Lethal- deadly

7.Incognito-  identity hidden

8.Clairvoyant- one who sees the future

9.Indolent- lazy

10.Insolent- rude

11.Panacea- cure-all

12.Raze- to destroy completely

13.Lethargic- dull, having no energy

14.Malingerer- one who fakes illness

15.Gape- to stare

16.Gist- real meaning

17.Fissure- narrow opening

18.Sepulcher- tomb

19.Affluent- wealthy

20.Taut- tight