Vocabulary 5

1.Astute-               wise, shrewd

2.Lucrative-          profitable, money-making

3.Debilitate-          to weaken

4.Cajole-               to coax

5.Risqué-             “almost” improper

6.Copious-           plentiful

7.Tepid-                lukewarm

8.Coquette-                   a flirt

9.Toxic-                poisonous

10.Affect-              to influence

11.Trepidation-      fear

12.Abyss-              bottomless pit

13.Frugal-              thrifty

14.Parody-             a humorous imitation

15.Harass-             to annoy or bother

16.Agnostic-          one who expresses ignorance of God

17.Ascertain-         to find out for sure

18.Gregarious-      fond of company

19.Arduous-           difficult

20.Diaphanous-     sheer