Senior Memory Book (200 points)

Each chapter must be a minimum of 4 pages double-spaced handwritten or 2 page (12 font) double-spaced typed.  Please use normal 1 inch margins, and if you are writing, do not exaggerate your script.  To get full credit, you must include the additional elements (pictures, poetry, etc).  For each chapter you must follow the deadlines outlined below:


Chapter 1:      Who Am I?                                                                 Due Mon., 11/15

Write a creative reflective essay that describes who you are.  You can include goals, personal strengths, family information, or anything that describes how you became the person you are.  Include a poem that is written about you or that is a reflection of you.


Chapter 2:      Suddenly, I Became Me                                             Due Mon., 11/15

Write a personal essay about your earliest memories and the cute things your family remembers about you as a preschooler.  Include at least 5 snapshots or school pics of you pre kindergarten.                   


Chapter 3:      School Bells                                                               Due Tues., 11/16

Write a personal essay highlighting you in the early grades.  Choose specific details anytime between kindergarten and 5th grade.  Include at least 3 metaphors or similes as well as some dialogue.                


Chapter 4:      My First Boyfriend/Girlfriend                                  Due Tues., 11/16

Write about that first crush in elementary school.  Include an original color drawing or collage about first love.


Chapter 5:      Middle School                                                                        Due Thurs., 11/18

Begin this with a quote from a credible source about the difficulties of adolescence and cite it with parenthetical citation and MLA bibliography information at the bottom of the page.  Write a personal essay about your middle school experience.  Choose a specific incident or experience that best describes your formative years.                       


Chapter 6:      Let’s Go To The Movies                                            Due Thurs., 11/18

Write about your movie tastes through the years including your favorites and memorable experiences at the movie theatre.  Include at least two pictures or reviews from the movies you discuss.     


Chapter 7:      I’m Really In Love This Time                                   Due Fri., 11/19

Write a personal essay about your first serious love or the ideal man or woman you would like to marry one day.  Find a love poem that is a minimum of 14 lines long (sonnets are good) and include it in your chapter.  Be sure to give the author credit.


Chapter 8:      Let’s Take a Vacation                                               Due Fri., 11/19

Write a reflective essay about a memorable trip you took with family or friends.  Include at least 3 pictures or mementos from this trip.                   


Chapter 9:      High School: The Early Years                                  Due Mon., 11/22

Write a personal essay highlighting your 9th, 10th, and 11th grades.  Choose a specific experience or recurring theme of those years.  Include a copy of the Pinson Valley Alma Mater and at least two pictures of you in high school.                   


Chapter 10:    At Last, I’m A Senior                                                            Due Mon., 11/22

Write a reflective essay about your senior year.  Include ups and downs as well as explaining if it has been all you expected.  Make a teacher autograph page and ask at least 5 of your former teachers to write you a short note and sign it.   


Epilogue:        If I could live my life all over again, I would…       Due Tues., 11/30

Finish this sentence with a paragraph outlining what you would change.  This can be a paragraph or a complete essay.  Be reflective and sincere.


All chapters will be spot checked that day, peer reviewed by someone in the class, and returned to you for safe keeping.  On the final due date (11/30), you will turn in all chapters in a binder with plastic page protectors and a title page.  You may include more pictures, mementos, and information if you wish.  The following criteria will determine your final grade of 200.


Meeting deadlines                                      5 points per chapter=    50

Requirements for chapter met                  5 points per chapter=     50

Creativity in writing and final product      5 points per chapter=     50

Powerpoint Presentation                           See Rubric                    50

                                                                                                Total  200




Lesson adapted from Harry Livermore



You will learn how to create a Powerpoint presentation using snapshots.  You will write and record an original script and choose music to accompany your presentation. 


How your grade will be determined:



For each copy you want to take home, you must either bring your own recordable CD or bring me $1.  If you bring your own CD’s, remember that you should always bring a spare in case of recording difficulty.  This can be a great Christmas surprise for parents.  It can be made into a format suitable for PC or Mac.



The software used for this project includes the following:


Arcsoft PhotoImpression (free with scanner or use any photo software)

PowerPoint (with Office suite)

Camtasia Studio ($149 educator’s price)

Sonic MyDVD ($70 or free with DVD burner)


I hope your students have as much fun with this assignment as mine do.  Contact me with questions or to tell me how it went.


Brandi Caldwell