Seniors, your adventure through high school is almost complete. This year we will explore English through the eyes of travelers seeking new and exotic destinations and adventures. Not only will you learn new material, but you may just learn something about yourself.
Heroic Adventures:
Who are
your heroes? Are you a hero? What makes someone heroic?
Ø Lit- Lord of the Rings, Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Le Morte D’Arthur
Ø Writing – Personal: Significant Event in Your Life
Romantic Getaways:
does love affect your actions? What
qualities warrant your love? How is
today’s concept of love different than that of 20 years ago?
Sonnets, Marlowe and Raliegh poetry, Wife
Ø Writing- Descriptive: #2 HOES- Place where you feel comfortable (your Camelot)
Tragic Kingdoms:
tragedies have toppled your kingdom (family)?
How do you react to bad events?
Have you ever dealt with death- the concept or actual family death?
Lit.- Macbeth,
Ø Writing: Research: First multi-paragraph research paper- Macbeth (book report vs. research paper)
Inspiration Pointe:
inspires you? Is there a higher power at
work in your life, actions, and attitude?
What words of inspiration or wisdom do you live by?
Ø Lit.- King James Bible, Carpe Diem poetry
Writing- Second
multi-paragraph, multi-source research paper-
Topic chosen from list
Fantastic Realities:
is your fantasy life, career, salary?
What steps could you realistically take to have those things? What do you see yourself doing in ten
years? Is there a such
thing as a “free lunch”?
Lit.- A Modest Proposal, A Journal of the
Plague Year, Dr. Faustus
Ø Writing- Expository- #3 HOES - Survival Tactics
Amazing Discoveries:
are your amazing qualities? What do you
hope people discover about you when they meet you? What have you discovered about yourself
between Junior High and High School?
Lit.- Blake poetry, Wordsworth, Burns, The
Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Ø Writing- Personal: My Travels Through Life (10 personal essays about each stage of your life)
Home is Where the Heart Is:
What is
home to you? How has your family and
home life shaped who you are? Do you
have biases or prejudices based on your home, family, or upbringing?
Ø Lit.- Tennyson, Browning, Hardy, Housman, Pride and Prejudice
Ø Writing- Personal: My Travels Through Life (10 personal essays about each stage of your life continued)
What choices do you face now that
you are graduating? What qualities do
you possess that will ensure a positive end to your travels? When the road splits, what path will you choose?
Ø Pygmalion, The Rear Guard, T. S. Elliot, A Room of One’s Own
Ø Writing- complete My Travels Through Life